This looks like a great event to learn about tipis and plains culture. It begins February 18 and ends May 15, 2011. There are also some great pictures of them raising the tipi and setting the poles.
The weather was rainy and gray, not unusual for Seattle. We decided to go ahead with the scheduled class despite the forecast. Fortunately, about 30 minutes before it was time to set up the tipi, the clouds parted and the sun shone bright. Mr. Murphy’s class of first graders learned about tipis and helped set up the 19 foot tipi. Several other classes also had a chance to see the tipi as well as talk about the native american culture. While demonstrating an eagle talon, a bald eagle flew overhead with uncanny timing.
Hau Mitakuyepi! This is the first of no doubt many more blogs. I am starting this blog with the intention of keeping those interested in my quest to take tipis to the Crow Creek Reservation in South Dakota in the loop, so to speak. Before I begin, I just want to thank you for your support in this venture, and to also apologize to any elders or those senior to me if I mistakenly offend someone or misspell/misinterpret anything from the Lakota culture. I want you to know that it was never my intention to do so, please let me know if there is anything I need to change.
Now that we covered that….lets rock-n-roll……